Be User Friendly-OGIRS Charges Auto-Registration Providers - EDU-BIZNEWS



Monday, May 23, 2022


Be User Friendly-OGIRS Charges Auto-Registration Providers


 Ogun State Internal Revenue Service has charged  its  supervisors and operators of  Auto Vehicle Registration (AutoReg) to be user friendly to  people, for them to enjoy seamless services 

Special Adviser on Other Taxes to the, Otunba Femi Allen gave the charge  during a training programme tagged, "Ogun State Teller Refresher Training 2022" organised in conjunction with Courteville Business Solution pioneers of Auto Vehicle Registration in Nigeria (AutoReg) for supervisors and operators of road taxes at the OGIRS headquarters in Abeokuta

Allen stressed the need for training and re-training of members of staff in the road taxes unit of the Ogun State Internal Revenue Service (OGIRS), which he described as a necessary step that will enhance their performance on the Auto-Reg platform that is usually upgraded annually advised the participants to take advantage of the training programme, and advocated that the software should be user-friendly and result-oriented.

 According to Allen, "when the platform is user-friendly, both taxpayers and tax officials will get things done easily without stress and this will lead to an increase in the Internally Generated Revenue".

Responding, the Director, Other Taxes, Mrs. Oluyomi Dawodu tasked the Auto-Reg to be prompt in responding to challenges encountered by the users of the platform whenever they were called upon.

Topics presented during the training focused on the scope of Vehicle License, Acceptability Policy, and Effective Team Work.

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